Friday, February 15, 2008

Genetically Modified (GM)

When people and the media speak of genetically altered food they are normally referring to food products which are made from genetically enhanced organisms using a process called recombinant DNA technology. The discussion of whether to use genetically altered food (GM) is a heated debate surrounded by political, social, ethical and human issues. As I researched sources for this paper it became apparent that supporting one side of the argument over the other was almost impossible. The decision of whether we should use GM foods has a global impact on not only a countries economy but also there health a vitality. The resources and differing viewpoints on this subject are immense with just as many sources saying we should not use GM food as there is for yes we should. For my essay I will attempt to discuss some of the major concerns and benefits for both sides and how the eventual outcome over GM food will impact us as consumers.

To begin my essay I will start with a brief introduction on what recombinant DNA technology is. There are actually three major types of cloning and GM or recombinant cloning is only one, the other two major ones are reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning and all of these have alternate terms which are used but mean the same thing (ex. molecular and gene cloning both mean recombinant DNA cloning). In recombinant DNA cloning DNA from a particular organism is combined with a plasmid which can hold up to 20,000 foreign DNA strands and is a common source in biotechnology. The combined DNA plasmid is then used as the new DNA to create a new cell to grow. Bacteria is a common cell which the plasmid is combined with to form the new organism. This is a very basic description of the complex process involved with recombinant DNA technology.

The benefits
As of 2006 GM crops have accented from more than 252 million crops produced in over 22 countries. The wide range of crops produced include many basic staples in our diets and more importantly some primary food sources for underdeveloped or overpopulated countries diets. Some of these foods include, the sweet potato, rice, corn, cotton, and alfalfa. Advocates for GM food claim these products have numerous advantages over the real thing or naturally grow versions. They can be genetically altered to fight insects, viruses and even extreme weather. In some cases where a plaguing beetle or insect can destroy entire crops of potential food, GM crops can be designed to fight of these potential threats. There groups claiming GM crops and foods taste better, have higher yields, and improved resistance to disease. Scientists are working on new GM products like bananas which can be engineered to fight human disease as well as modified cows resistant to mad cow disease. Many scientist claim these crops are actually better for the environment, since they don’t require bio-insecticides which make them healthier for the consumer. GM crops and products have the potential for global impact especially in undeveloped countries. With these technologies we can produce reliable healthy food products to feed these groups of starving people. In the near future it may be possible to virtually eliminate global hunger with a relatively safe environmentally friendly food products, or so we think.

The negatives
There are groups who claim GM crops are good for the environment and have no significant health risks involved. Then there are groups who are avidly opposed to GM crops because they say there could potentially be huge environmental impacts as well as long term health affects for humans which we do not yet know about. Since long term effects of GM crops and products is not as well known at the moment there are potentials for cross-pollination which may change the crops in unknown ways. One of the major ethics issues is what will happen when you violate the genes of natural organisms and species, and what type of mutations could occur in the future. Then there is the social and economic impacts. The United States is one of the largest producers of GM foods, and a large percentage of those products are shipped overseas. This could start to create a world dominance where some major developed countries (USA, Europe) would be the main contributors of GM products to underdeveloped countries and therefore have significant influence over those countries economically and politically. As new technology is developed in biotechnology by rich countries, these advancements may not be shared with other poorer countries until political goals are satisfied.

These are just a few of the major issues involved with Genetically engineered food, there are many more factors and concerns involved besides what was mentioned. This is the point where I will enter some of my personal concerns. GM food is fast, efficient, and hopefully safe, and will only continue to improve and progress. We here in the United States enjoy many of the social benefits of a well developed and powerful nation, but other third world countries are not as lucky. Is it not the responsibility of countries like ours to contribute to countries worse off in order to improve those peoples way of life as a morality issue. We as a countries do this exact type of intervention all the time, when genocide or terrorism is happening in a lesser country we charge in and stop it for right or wrong. As a consumer when I go to the store I have the option to use my personal judgment and purchase a product which may be GM or one that has the “Free Range” label, this is a choice I get to make. In other countries the choice may be have some GM rice and corn or if you are against the way we develop these crops you can starve because your country does not have the resources to feed you. I am not in those person shoes but I would think when I am hungry and my family is hungry I am going to want some food regardless of the potential long-term health and environmental issues, I would want to eat.


thehills48 said...

Good job. Your essay is very well written and explains the topic very well throughout the essay. -Krissi

Sam said...

very well written and organized essay. After reading the differeing and opposing viewpoint from your essay I would have to say I feel the benefits outway the negatives, however, environmental impact (if extreme and significant) would be the sole reason I would oppose GM food, however I would need a little more information in scientific studies done ect. to make a well informed desicion.

Michele Rambo said...

I thought your essay was well written and very researched. I learned alot from reading this essay and the fact that it was different really made it stand out in comparison to the others. I learned about the fact that their our 22 countries that are contributing to this .WOW! the fact that this may put a stop to mad cow disease is hopeful, and I think you did a great job! michele