Monday, May 12, 2008

Instructor Feedback

My Performance
1. For this unit the assignments were not quite as challenging as the previous three units but I still liked doing the lab and I thought the process of doing the lab did give me some insight into the interactions I have with species during a normal day.

2. As usual when time gets short some assignments are going to pay the price and unit four is no exception to my rule of procrastination. My compendium review did suffer a little but still better then the compendium review I did in unit 3.

3. I am going to go with a low A as my grade of choice, since this is our last unit in human biology.

4. Just like all the previous units I could definitely use better time management and less procrastination. I do end up getting most of the assignments done on time, but I think I will be much better in the class room environment where there is more time management structure. My personal downfall……….

The unit
1. I think when I was working on the final lab for the course, this assignment really helped bring all the aspects of the unit together.

2. The very begging of the unit I was not very focused and it took me a week or so to really get rolling on the assignments and labs.

3. After doing three other units previously this particular unit went fairly smooth and I did not really have any difficult questions which need answering.

4. I think my response to question number 3 would work just as well for this question also.

5. In this unit I did not really have a good in-depth understanding of how bad our current population growth was, and how much it impacted the environment and global resources. So it was a little alarming to read and learn about all the negatives associated with this units major topics.

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