Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Food for a day.

-How healthy a daily diet do you think this is? Why?
Looking at the foods I eat currently and the types of food I could be eating my current diet is probably not the most healthiest for me. I would like to say that I don’t eat that much junk food on average, but there are some weeks where I eat almost no fast food (breakfast burritos) and actually eat some what healthy. Then there are other weeks where I do end up eating more processed and fast food then I should.

-What would you change about this day's eating, if anything?
Well I really don’t have any plans to not eat this type of food. I love having eating pizza probably once a week or so along with other pastas. I eat breakfast burritos on occasion because I run out of breakfast foods at home and want to get something before I go to work. The cola I have an addiction for. So to keep my addiction in check I normally only have one can of coke a day and sometimes I will cut that out on the weekends. On the weekends I replace the Coke Cola with beer so I don’t think I am getting any extra points with that trade.

-Do you find this kind of nutritional tracking helpful? Why or why not?
I think some of those websites are helpful if you are someone who is attempting to track you food intake. I am currently at the stage in my life where I am still very active and athletic so I don’t really worry to much about what type of food I eat right now. I do however keep in mind that there will be a point in my future where I will need to start watching not only what I eat and drink but also how much exercise I may need to stay fit. I feel this time is still a long day over the horizon and not something I need to concern myself with right now. I have been eating not so healthy food since high school and my metabolism works in such a way I have not lost or gained more then 5-8lbs in some 10 years or so. So I feel pretty confident I can handle these future challenges in stride when they occur.

I used the Body mass index from one of the websites to test my theory that I can still eat what I want and maintain a constant physique. Based on the body mass index, I am placed at the lower end of the body mass index scale for someone of my height. I think this little test some what validates that I can still eat foods that are not healthy as long as I maintain a constant active lifestyle. If at some point I stop doing the activities which keep me in shape I have no doubt I will start having to watch what I eat.

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